Mr & Mrs Hourigan
By Melissa Sharpe
Mr and Mrs Hourigan are very popular local identities who just moved away from the are a to Kentucky. However, they still remain active in the area with the school sports and they have the mail run here. They lived in this area for many years. Mr Hourigan says they like this area because it is a very friendly area. Their children attended Chandler school, their names are Robert, Wayne, Keith and Carol.
They think the best features of the area are the Wollomombi Falls and the Wollomombi gorge, which is the highest in the southern hemisphere. Mr. Hourigan has been the announcer at our Sports days. He is also on the sports committee which runs two combined sports days for five local schools every year. Hilton has been the president of this committee for the past twenty nine years. Mr & Mrs Hourigan have been doing the mail run for t he past two and a half years
Before they started the mail run they worked as property managers for
P.A Wright and Son.
I think that they are the best announcers and the best mail run people.
They are great people.